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Monthly NewsletterThis newsletter is filled with encouragement, resources, updates, upcoming events, essential information, and everything HSL! It comes out once a month with some specific emails here and there about events. Sign up below!
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Upcoming Events
FINE ARTS FESTIVALFine Arts is a ministry that allows students to discover and develop their artistic gifts. Students may present or submit entries in various art divisions such as communication, drama, exhibition, instrumental, vocal, and writing.
CALLED WEEKENDCalled Weekend is about empowering and developing the call students have on their life. This weekend will help students learn, develop, and practically walk out the calling they feel God leading them to.
Sign-ups, waiver release forms, and everything your student needs to engage with HSL!
Download, complete, and send to [email protected].
All information will be treated as confidential.
All information will be treated as confidential.